In-Home Research: What a 6am Breakfast in Mexico Taught the CEO of the World's Largest Cereal Maker

In-Home Research: What a 6am Breakfast in Mexico Taught the CEO of the World's Largest Cereal Maker Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSS (lead-with-a-story-podcast-series): Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSSIt’s 6 A.M. in Queretaro, Mexico, about 130 miles north of Mexico City. Most of the residents are just waking up. But one woman is already dressed and has visitors in her kitchen. No, this isn’t…

Your Product's Invention or Discovery Story

Your Product's Invention or Discovery Story Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSS (sell-with-a-story-series1): Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSS {The 12th in a series of the 25 most useful sales stories.} This story marks our transition from the rapport building phase of the sales process to the actual sales pitch itself. And for most…

Here's What Happens When You Wait Too Long to Say, "I'm Sorry"

Here's What Happens When You Wait Too Long to Say, "I'm Sorry" (parenting-with-a-story-podcast-series): Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSSWhen Darrell was in the third grade he did something he’s regretted for the thirty-five years since. What was his unforgettable and unpardonable sin? He wrote a poem. A very bad poem. Darrell’s class had been learning the rhyme and meter of several forms of…